The RCPsych eLearning Hub is an evolution of the older platforms, CPD Online (CPDO) and Trainees Online (TrOn). The new site will now be the home of the College’s eLearning resources for members.

CPD Online was first developed in 2006 to provide mental health professionals with a flexible, interactive way of keeping up to date with progress in mental health across a vast range of topics.

A new and improved online learning platform

Over the last 15 years, CPD Online has published more than 200 learning modules and 150 podcasts, and other eLearning projects. The new platform will feature current content and see releases of new resources, and continuing CPD Online module updates programme to ensure content is kept up to date.

Trainees Online (TrOn), the College’s online learning resource supporting trainee psychiatrists, will also move to the new site in the autumn.

Migrating all the online resources to the new eLearning Hub aligns with the College’s aim to deliver excellent learning to all members and mental health professionals. Users with access via their Trust or institution will also gain access this autumn during the second launch phase.