According to Government statistics, over 41,000 knife crime offences occurred in 2020/21, of which 224 people died as a result.

In a survey commissioned by Safeguard Medical, 85% of UK medical, fire, and police first responders said they believe more lives could be saved by introducing bleeding kits placed alongside every public access defibrillator. And 87% agreed that if the public were more aware of the immediate care required following major trauma, even more lives could be saved.

In the survey, the vast majority (94%) of emergency responders said that they had experienced mounting pressure to their mental health over the last year due to the demands of the Covid-19 pandemic response. And while daily, many emergency responders witness and experience traumatic events, data from the survey showed that many first responders agreed that specific trauma incidents have increased since lockdown measures have eased, such as DIY accidents (28%) and falls from heights (25%).

As a result of the survey, Safeguard Medical said in a statement that they aim to help improve the mental wellbeing of emergency first responders, whilst also saving lives, through raising public awareness of the skills necessary to help preserve life following a trauma incident. And by offering over 500 free places in its ‘Prometheus Medical’ training course, available across the UK.

While the number of callouts reduced during last year’s lockdowns, the pressure on the NHS has increased as lockdowns have been lifted

Professor Richard Lyon MBE, chief medical officer at Safeguard Medical and a practising NHS consultant, commented: “Minutes are critical when you are bleeding. This is why a tourniquet or haemostatic trauma bandages in bleed kits give the public the chance to intervene and save a life. Our rapid response teams can then focus on keeping the patient stable and preparing them for medical intervention once at the hospital.”

Mr Lyon added: “There’s been a significant increase in recreational incidents following the lifting of lockdowns. Accident from sporting incidents, DIY, road traffic collisions, falls from heights, as well as an increase in mental health-related incidents and assault-related trauma – particularly knife crime – have all increased.”

To find out more and register your interest in the free training session, visit:


'On November 10th at 6pm, Mental Health Today will be hosting – ‘How Can Trauma Inform Our Workplaces and Schools?’ – a MHTLive webinar. Register now and develop your knowledge of Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma, and learn how schools and workplaces can be transformed into centres of recovery and healing.'