Mental Capacity Act Manual – 5th Edition (Published June 2012)
Helping ensure best practice compliance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the new edition of the Mental Capacity Act Manual reproduces the full text of the Act with section-by-section annotations explaining its meaning and implications. Revised and updated you’ll find the new edition:
•Gives a consideration of the mental capacity required to consent to sexual relations
•Has a new section on best and third party interests, for example needlestick accidents
•Reproduces guidance from the Court of Protection on “Applications to the Court of Protection in relation to tenancy agreements”
•Includes notes on a number of recent cases
•Summarises cases decided under the High Court’s inherent jurisdiction
•Notes a significant number of cases on the deprivation of liberty safeguards
•Reproduces the new Practice Direction on deprivation of liberty applications
•Includes new fee structure introduced by the Public Guardian (Fees, etc.) (Amendment) Regulations 2011
For more information or to order your copy visit