HPFTStaff at John Lewis in Welwyn Garden City will receive training to increase their awareness of mental health issues in the workplace.

The training will be delivered by mental health professionals at Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT). This is the second collaboration between the mental health trust and retailer. Previously John Lewis contributed to the development of HPFT’s values – working in services which are welcoming, kind, positive, respectful and professional – which are now well embedded within their services. 

Andrew Nicholls, interim head of recovery and psychological services at HPFT said: “The sessions are open to all employees at John Lewis and aim to help people talk about the subject of mental health with straightforward confidence. Once you remove the stigma from the subject people are more able to look at mental health problems openly and this really improves outcomes for everyone in the community, employers and employees alike.” 

The first session takes place today [September 14], which coincides with John Lewis’ 'Bring Yourself To Work', a week celebrating diversity & inclusion, a great opportunity to enhance wellbeing in the workplace.

The sessions will cover the following and will take place weekly over September and October:

Communicating with and to colleagues with mental health issues

Wellbeing at work 

Introduction to mindfulness 

Caring for loved ones with mental health issues. 

They will include mindfulness activities, team challenges and interactive sessions with mental health professionals from HPFT.