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Signs & symptoms of addiction

Psychological symptoms

Behavioural signs

Physical symptoms

Contact the experts 

From substance abuse to behavioural, addiction can take many different forms. By their very nature, however, regardless of type, addictions can result in a wide variety of often distressing and unpleasant symptoms as well as some rather devastating consequences. These can range from the breakdown of relationships to poor performance at work and even adverse effects on a person’s mental and physical health as well as their finances.

Seeking help is crucial however in order to do this, one must first identify the addiction in existence. Whether this is identifying an addiction in yourself or a loved one, there are numerous signs and symptoms that can be recognised and subsequently treated via a specialist treatment facility such as Infinity Addiction Solutions.

Signs & symptoms of addiction

Signs and symptoms of an addiction can vary not only from person to person but also from one addiction to another. Regardless of this, there are several signs and symptoms that are common in most different types of addiction.

Signs and symptoms can be categorised into three different groups; psychological symptoms i.e. mental health, behavioural and social signs as well as physical symptoms.

Psychological symptoms

When we talk about the psychological symptoms, we’re discussing the mental health of a person and their personality. You may notice in a loved one that mood swings are becoming more prominent and more severe. Their temper may have increased, as they react in a more volatile manner to things that have never created such a reaction before. You may also notice tiredness, paranoia and even defensiveness about activities or behaviours you inquire about.

Whether the person in question suffers a substance addiction or a behavioural addiction, it’s not uncommon to notice other psychological symptoms such as difficulty in focusing and concentrating on a task or even poor memory and low self-esteem. They may display a very low mood, as well as struggles with their mental health with feelings of hopelessness and or even exacerbation of pre-existing mental health conditions such as depression or stress.

Behavioural signs

As well as signs and symptoms surrounding one’s mental health, there are also behavioural symptoms such as secretive and dishonest behaviour. You may even notice poor performance at work or school as well as an evident withdrawal from their responsibilities and usual social interests. Some may even be more obvious such as continued use of the substance or activity you fear they’re addicted to, despite the negative impact on their life.

Physical symptoms

Last but not least, there may be physical symptoms, such as personal hygiene becoming an issue or even a lack of interest in their own personal appearance, despite it possibly being of great importance beforehand. Under or even overeating may also become evident, as could excessive sweating, dilated pupils or even bloodshot eyes. You may even notice a distinct lack of direct eye contact and an almost withdrawn persona.

Contact the experts

Signs and symptoms come in a range of forms with changes in one’s mental health being very prominent. If you believe yourself or someone you know is suffering from an addiction, the best thing you can do is to contact the professionals to help you identify an addiction.



*This content is an advertorial from Infinity Addiction Solutions.